Over 100 million children of primary school age in developing countries currently lack access to
primary education. Two-thirds of them are girls. In these countries, many children who are in school are forced to drop out
before they can read or write or do simple sums. Now, having said that, poverty and education is not confined to the third
world alone. In Britain, for example, there is the correlation between educational performance, or lack thereof, and poverty,
we touched briefly on this on the Poverty from Albion's Shores and the Albion's Homeless pages, here, on this page we will
attempt to expand on the subject and hope that by doing so we give you, the reader, some idea of the dreadful state of affairs
that exists in a so-called civilised country, and show the parallels with this world's poorest peoples in the third world.
education in Tanzania
Children's social backgrounds
are more important even than
low birthweight in determining
how well they achieve in school